Saturday, January 31, 2009

Pray for Suz

I went off to the University of Alabama in August of 1991. None of my really good friends from high school were going to Alabama, so I decided to go potluck with the roommate situation. I lived with my first roommate during the first few days of rush until it became apparent that we weren’t a good match {mainly because she was a smoker and I was not}. My mother and Kathy Gray/Clay came down for Serious Night/Bid Day and immediately went down to the main office in Tutwiler to inform them I needed a new roommate {little did I know the impact this would have on my life}.
I remember walking down a hall on the 6th floor to meet a girl named Leanne Stafford. We hit it off immediately. Leanne quickly introduced me to the girls next door…Shannon Shows and Suzanne Gray. The four of us were fast friends and developed an instant bond! We all ended up pledging different sororities but remained close during our years at Alabama. I still laugh to this day at the things we went through and did during our stay at Tutwiler!
Tuesday night I got a message through Facebook from Shannon:
“Andrea, Hope your pregnancy is going well. Just in the last week I'm starting to become more uncomfortable with my growing belly! I got a call from Suz today saying that she has breast cancer. She is having a double mastectomy on Monday. She will have to do Chemo as well. I was of course devastated. She is really at peace with it at this time, but she says her Mom nor Jeff is handling it well at all. Just thought I'd let you know to keep her in your prayers.”
I have been in a state of total shock and devastation as well. People our age shouldn’t have to go through these things! Suzanne is a fighter and I am confident that she will beat this! She has the best outlook on the situation she has been dealt. Please remember her and her family in your prayers! She has set up a Caring Bridge site if you care to follow along with her journey or send her some words of encouragement!
Me, Suz, Shannon and Leanne - Tutwiler Dorm 1991
Shannon, me, Leanne and Suz - New Orleans 1992
Suz and Me - our first apartment, Collegiate Downs {aka Melrose Place} 1992

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