Friday, January 30, 2009

Family Math Night

Last night Banks had Family Math Night at his school. We went to Mrs. Scott's room next door {Ms. Lowery's room had a flood right after school} to see what they had been learning in Math this year. First, they placed their name on a double venn diagram based on how many pips {spots} were on the domino they had drawn out of the bag. Then they showed us how they had been using the calendar each day to incorporate math:
We also got to use a number generator {dice} to play a game:
You rolled the dice and filled the number of squares on your board based on the number you had rolled. The first person to fill up their board by rolling the exact amount won. Even Mary Reese got to play:
Then Ms. Lowery told them to put 6 squares on their board. Each student told her different ways to add numbers together to make 6 based on the placement of their tiles or the color of tiles they used. Jody and I were amazed and proud at how much Banks had learned this year!
After our math games, we were invited to the cafeteria for hot dogs, chips and cookies!

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