We have offically been in fall for a few weeks now....we have even felt a few days of fall weather! We are slowly getting geared up for all things fall.
We headed to the farmer's market yesterday on our "day off" to pick up a few heirloom pumpkins...
The pickings were slim...everyone must have bought them up this weekend. We still managed to find a few fun ones.
On Sunday, Mary Reese, Aunt Stacey, Debbie and I worked on a little Halloween project involving this table full of stuff...
We hit the Halloween aisles pretty hard at Tarjay.
Mary Reese came home and washed all our pumpkins...
Then she started to decorate...
She took it very serious. She wanted everything placed perfectly...
Here are the finished products...
Mary Reese's Princess Pumpkin, Aunt Stacey's Clown Witch Pumpkin & Debbie's Vampire Witch Pumpkin. [There are some Mr. Potato Head Create-a-Pumpkin Kits at Tarjay...but we added additional things like wigs, eyelashes, skeltons & bugs.]
We have been doing lots of fall baking. A few Apple Spice Cakes [one disaster], a batch of Apple Butter...
...and some delicious & delightful gingersnaps...
Recipes to come. Until then...
Peace, Love & Fall!