Saturday, July 26, 2008

Can I have some cheese with that...

WHINE!!! This morning Banks work up begging to go to the Splash Pad at Delano Park. Since we haven't been all summer, I thought it would make the perfect morning outing. They had a ball running through the sprinklers...
for about 15 minutes, then the WHINING started! So we loaded up and came home. Mary Reese is already back in the bed for a "rest" and Banks is playing quitely upstairs. Has anyone else tried to do something nice and fun with their kids only to have them show their appreciation by whining about it the entire time?

{Mary Reese is kicking Banks off the wall because she does not want him sitting beside her...can a 3 year old have PMS?}

I was so sad that we didn't see our friend from last year:

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